The happiness hat, craeted by Lauren McCarthy, senses that you are not smiling, then it shoves a metal spike into your head until you do. This device will train you to smile more and improve social interacting. Frowning causes you pain from the device but smiling leaves you pain free!
A bend sensor attaches to the cheek and measures the size of the smile. A servo motor moves a metal spike into the head depending on the degree of smile. By repeated use of this happiness hat, you can train your brain to smile all the time.
A smile is a very powerful, yet simple action that can affect the way you feel and the way everyone around you feels. By just smiling and using the muscles to smile you can already feel happier. Just smiling to your self in the mirror and seeing that too will make you happier. Seeing someone else smiling will trigger neurons in your own brain and cause you to smile as well. smiles are contagious and like a chain reaction.